“…change the way we think about the problem of youth homelessness”

Ozone HouseGeneral Blog, Human Trafficking

Alex Kotlowitz, author of There Are No Children Here says the film The Homestretch is “an amazing and important film with the potential to change the way we think about the problem of youth homelessness.” We couldn’t agree more, and that’s one of many reasons why we were so excited to learn that the film earned an EMMY AWARD last week!  Watch …

Huge gold stars

Ozone HouseGeneral Blog, Human Trafficking, Ozone House Services

Our partner, Bridgette Carr, at the UM Human Trafficking Clinic recently wrote us to say: I just wanted to give Ozone House huge gold stars.  Too often we only let folks know when we are unsatisfied with things but I wanted to be sure to let you know how unbelievably impressed I have been with Ozone House this past month.  [An Ozone …