You’re never too young or old to be involved

ozonehouse-adminGeneral Blog, Ozone House Services

Guest blogger: Madeline Smith As you may have read last month on this blog, Ozone House has spent the last year building a millennial board. This year, my fellow Millennial Ozone Board (MOB) members and I are excited to tell you, through this blog, more about why we’ve chosen to get involved, how we’re supporting the organization, and how you …

Where we find certainty

Ozone HouseGeneral Blog, Ozone House Services

This is an uncertain time in our country.  Michigan has the dubious distinction of having the most bias and hate crimes in the Midwest since the presidential election; the state has logged reports of more hate crimes in the past month than in any one year period.  In Washtenaw County, we have seen a number of hate crimes perpetrated near …

Huge gold stars

Ozone HouseGeneral Blog, Human Trafficking, Ozone House Services

Our partner, Bridgette Carr, at the UM Human Trafficking Clinic recently wrote us to say: I just wanted to give Ozone House huge gold stars.  Too often we only let folks know when we are unsatisfied with things but I wanted to be sure to let you know how unbelievably impressed I have been with Ozone House this past month.  [An Ozone …