
WE OPEN THE DOOR TO HEALTHY MINDS and help ease the burden for kids who are carrying too much.

Ozone House’s counseling and case management services provide youth the safe space to talk. Our licensed Social Workers provide crisis intervention and individual and family therapy.

Is COUNSELING right for you?


Read the list below. If you answer “yes” to any of the questions, counseling might be right for you and/or your family!

  • Do you have conflict with your family?
  • Have you thought of running away?
  • Do you have conflict with friends or other people at your school?
  • Are you doing things to hurt yourself?
  • Do you want to make changes in your behaviors, but don’t know how?
  • Do you feel stuck and need help figuring out what to do next?
  • Do you feel like something is wrong, but can’t figure out what it is?
  • Do you worry that some relationships you have are not safe or healthy?

Call (734) 662-2222 for more information.


Need help now?

Support and resources for youth and those who care about youth are available any time – day or night –  Call (734) 662-2222 or  Text “Ozone” to (734) 662-2222 Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm, or click here to CHAT Monday – Friday 9am – 5pm.

All Ozone House services are free, voluntary, and confidential.

Is CASE MANAGEMENT right for you?

“I grew up in an abusive household where my parents were addicts. I eventually became homeless at about 15. I needed support. I needed help navigating the (overwhelmingly complicated) system to receive health benefits, stay in school, and stable housing.”

From a former client

Read the list below. If you answer “yes” to any of the questions, Case Management might be right for you!

  • Do you know where to turn to get housing, food, clothes, health insurance, jobs, or an education?
  • Do you need help getting an ID? A Birth Certificate?
  • Do you want help setting personal goals?
  • Do you want help finding or keeping safe housing?
  • Do you want help getting and keeping a job?
  • Do you want help enrolling in school?
  • Do you have enough food to eat?
  • Are you worried about your health?
  • Do you have what it takes to live on your own?

Call (734) 662-2222 for more information

What is Case Management?

“Case management is a collaborative process of assessment, planning, facilitation, care coordination, evaluation, and advocacy for options and services to meet an individual’s and family’s comprehensive health needs through communication and available resources to promote quality, cost-effective outcomes.” Case Management Society of America

Your generous support ensures that we can offer a safe place and support – free of charge –
to hundreds of homeless and runaway youth in our community.

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